Decision taken by the Meeting of the co-owners and recorded in writing in the minutes. To be voted on at the meeting of co-owners, a resolution project must be included in the questions listed on the agenda, unless all the co-owners who were to be convened are present and consent to it. The syndicate must send the minutes of any meeting of co-owners or any written resolution adopted by it to the co-owners within 30 days. Moreover, it is necessary to distinguish between the resolution and the resolution in writing that acts as a meeting of co-owners..
I was absent from the last co-owners' meeting. I must admit that I have little confidence in the administrators' management and therefore see no point in attending. As usual, they passed resolutions that I find unreasonable, notably by approving costly renovations for the building’s entrance hall. Additionally, they amended the…...
Co-owners must make decisions that are essential for the life of their co-ownership, which cannot be adopted by the board of directors without their consent. To this end, the meeting of co-owners brings together the co-owners or their representatives, at least once a year. In this context, the taking…...
It is possible to make a decision without having a meeting. Article 354 of the Civil Code of Québec recognizes the value of a written resolution: "Resolutions in writing signed by all the persons qualified to vote at a meeting are as valid as if passed at a meeting of…...
A question often arises whether a co-owner can modify the agenda received with his notice of call to the Annual Meeting, either before or during the General Meeting? The Meeting of co-owners is governed by strict legal rules that you should know about. In principle the General Meeting deliberates only on…...
The first step in preparing a meeting of co-owners is to establish a complete agenda. This document summarizes all the questions that will have to be voted on during this general meeting. It thus lists the resolutions that will be debated and voted. Although there is no formalism surrounding its…...
A General Meeting of the co-owners cannot take place without an agenda. To deliberate in accordance with the Law, co-owners should be able to become aware, before the Meeting, of the questions on the agenda. This the reason why it should be annexed to the notice of call, usually prepared by…...
With respect to the Annual General Meeting, the article 1087 of the Civil Code of Québec provides that certain documents must be attached to the notice of meeting.These documents are to be sent to co-owners so that they can ascertain the exact nature of the questions and issues to be…...
The minutes of the meeting are a document of paramount importance to ensure the execution of the decisions of the meeting. Therefore, the decisions taken by co-owners in a general meeting must be recorded and entered in the minutes. This document is essential for a co-ownership because it ensures the…...
The meeting of co-owners is the gathering of all the co-owners, to make the decisions necessary for the sustainability of the building and the proper functioning of the co-ownership. It is one of the two decision-making bodies of the syndicate. This should be held at least once a year, but it…...
Question: Can a meeting of co-owners take a regular decision despite the abstention of many co-owners present? How should these absentees be dealt with (a vote for or against)? And what about accounting for abstentions when board members vote? Answer: Abstaining is a matter of concern in any democracy. Co-ownership is no exception to…...
Our last annual meeting of co-owners was opened and held by our directors, but there seems to be a lack of clarity on the procedures to be followed. Several co-owners were uncertain about the roles and responsibilities during the meeting, which led to some confusion. Indeed, without a clear understanding…...
Question: Some of the co-owners in our syndicate want to put a resolution to a vote at our next annual meeting. What are the steps to follow? Do we have to send the text of our draft resolution to the board of directors in advance, or can we do that…...